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Colors and Marketing

Those who study trends in consumer habits come across problems with colors and the emotions they invoke. There is a great deal of inconsistency when it comes to determining the ubiquitous feeling or emotion that is attached to a particular color. In some cases, researchers contradict other ideas about color and the meaning behind it. Some say that yellow is the happiest color in the color spectrum, but some people find that the color also is associated with sadness and sickness. Considering the lack of consensus in this matter, maybe you should rethink your products color scheme.

Specialty Compounding

The issue with meaning and color shouldn't suggest that color is unimportant, because most market research suggests that individuals make decision based on color schemes. When it comes to using colored plastics, it important that you stay consistent with your brands color scheme as well as picking colors that compliment each other (look good). Similar, consistent color schemes help to create brand recognition. If you use color schemes that differ from other similar products, you can begin to help differentiate your product from others. If you keep consistent with those colors, when people see similar color schemes, they will think of your company and your products. Color compounding makes the coloring of plastic incredibly easy.

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315 Hoyt Ave Mamaroneck NY 10543

(914) 381-2400

We are committed to providing compounds, colorants, resins of exceptional quality to the plastic industry, and specialty compounding.