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It is common to find masterbatches used for polymer processing. The main goal of masterbatching is to incorporate colors, additives, and antimicrobials into a liquid or polymer resin. When finished, a masterbatch is considered a concentrated mixture of various additives that are encapsulated in a carrier material (PE or PP). Carriers typically are polymer resins that are broken into chip or pellet form.
Many manufacturers turn to masterbatch because it is one of the most natural processes for incorporating additives into plastic. The manufacturing method creates a less complicated addition because of the use of pellet-to-pellet blending. There is no need for any specialized dosing equipment. Masterbatch also dramatically increases the precision of dispersion that is necessary to achieve optimal addition rates in final parts.
Manufacturers also turn to masterbatch because of improved product consistency when creating parts. Additive masterbatch is known to improve product consistency, as well as improving overall process stability with better dispersion.
Masterbatching creates a safer way of handling of hazardous materials. Many additives are known to be dangerous in their pure form. The process of masterbatching encapsulates the additive in the polymer. Encapsulation, in most cases, eliminates the hazardous nature of the additive.
Specialty compounding and masterbatching are ideal methods of adding color and enhancing the characteristics of plastic parts. For the best specialty compounding NY has, you should not hesitate to give our team a call.