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Is your business benefiting from additive masterbatch? To meet the ever-growing demands of modern technology, businesses and engineers need to construct goods that are perfect for exact applications. To make this happen, many plastic engineers turn to additive masterbatches, which endows plastic with Special features and characteristics. Plastic compounding suppliers work to meet your exact demands.
There are so many things that can be accomplished with additive masterbatches and specialty compounding. Performance enhancers include:
Anti-Static- this type of compounding allows for plastic to control and dissipate the buildup of static on the plastic's surface.
Antimicrobial- medical equipment and other goods used in marine environments need to be protected from staining, degradation, and odors caused by microbes.
Flame Retardant- because of the risk of fire, many plastic products benefit by having a lower fire threat. Different types of flame retardant plastic are available, so it is important to know exactly what style would help your application and product.
UV Light Stabilization- UV rays from the sun can harm plastic after significant periods of exposure. With time colors typically fade, and plastic becomes brittle. Specialty compounding creates UV protection within plastic to be used outside without fear of damaging the plastic.
Glow-In-The-Dark- some plastics are predominantly used at night or in dark rooms. In these cases, glowing in the dark is immensely beneficial to those using the products. With specialty compounding suppliers, you can customize the color of the glow and the length of the light.