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Choosing a Coloring Process

There are many different ways to color plastics, but the two most commonly used methods are synthetic resins and masterbatch. It is best to discuss needs with a professional colorant company, but by knowing the basics of both processes you can have a better conversation. Making the right decisions about the coloring process will help you save time and money.

The two methods of coloring differ in many ways. Most notably, the coloring process is different. For masterbatching, a pre-dispersed color is slowly let down during the molding process. Pre-color resins are compounded with polymers that give final coloring.

Specialty CompoundingMasterbatching is used because it provides economic benefits, which are related to color obsolescence and acquiring resin. As a result of not being fully compounded, there is little heat history (less deterioration of the polymer properties).

Precolored resins work best when time and money are issues. Turn around time for resins are quicker than masterbatching. There are drawbacks when it comes to using this method, but that does not mean it will not work for you.

Making the right decision as to which process is best for you and your business is no simple task, and that is why you need to enlist professionals. Ask them which is better for you, resins distribution or color masterbatch?

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315 Hoyt Ave Mamaroneck NY 10543

(914) 381-2400

We are committed to providing compounds, colorants, resins of exceptional quality to the plastic industry, and specialty compounding.